‘You are
what you eat’ was a BBC program that aired in the UK some years back and was widely well
received by the viewing audience. Viewers were surprised to see positive
changes in people’s lives simply based on a diet change. It really was a new
and strange thing to learn that eating good nutritious food is important and so
is eating the right portion at the right time!
With the
current fashion trend, where size zero is the in-thing for young women and
6-pack, the in-thing for the men, the issue of diet and weight loss has been
brought to the front burner in many countries today – in private lives as well
as the general populace.
So on one side of the divide, we have a set of people
crazy about their weight and what they look like and check the calorie number
of any food product before they buy it; and the other side where people have
simply given up and have become overweight or obese.
As at
today, one-third of Americans are thought to be obese. In the UK, the figure is thought to be much
higher (in terms of percentage of overall population). Surprisingly, the 2014
data from ‘Public Health England’ showed that 62% of the adult
population in the UK were overweight. In 2005, the World Health Organization measured that 1.6 billion
people in North Africa and Middle East were overweight and 400 million were obese. These figures are expected to have risen for 2015 when 2.3
billion people in N Africa and Middle East would be overweight and 700 million would be obese. Sub-Sahara Africa that used to be the ‘face of famine’ advert is rapidly changing too.
It has changed so much that a new Africa initiative was launched in 2015, called the ‘new African
Centre for Obesity Prevention’.
What can we do? Or rather, what can YOU do? Let the change
start with YOU! You are what you eat. Learn to eat right – for your age, size,
shape, and well-being!
For some
people, the challenge is that they simply do not have the willpower to make a
change, in as much as they want a change. Or really do not know what changes to
make and how to set themselves realistic goals that they can carefully work to
achieve over a set period.
Treatwithfood, we understand implicitly how food can affect not only your
body system, your health, but also your emotions, your mental health and
general wellbeing.
Get in
touch with us today to see how we can help you.
Thank you and good luck for the upcoming blogs.