‘The truth
about cancer’…that is a headline that is bound to catch the eye these days
unfortunately! And that is the title of the book by Ty Bolliger that I skimmed
through a few months back which drew my attention to what alternative views
were out there about cancer, some views of which I don’t agree to 100%. But Ty
is quite passionate about this work and is a great source for information on
cancer. You can check him out on you
The truth
is, a few years ago, someone like me would not have personally bothered to read
any book with such a title, the truth about cancer. As far as I was concerned,
I come from a family of ‘sturdy stock’. My almost 100year old grandma in Africa is still alive and kicking well.
She walks to the town market by herself to shop because she doesn’t want to get
ripped off by people that sell food produce near her house at exorbitant prices
as she complains. The journey to and from the market is at least 10 miles. My grandma still goes by herself
to pay her electricity bills at the end of the month, another journey of at
least 10 – 15 miles return. Thinking about cancer was
completely alien to me till my family got a rude shock last year and someone
very much loved and close to me was diagnosed with the disease. That is when I
realised that the best time to learn about something is not when your life
depends on it. And learning about it, is not for any reason but to understand
how to prevent the problem. Often times when one is desperately ill, it becomes
a bit difficult to know which option of treatment to go for and whether it is
best to go for conventional treatment or to try out an unorthodox approach. And
by the time the person has tried the conventional route and it fails, then the
person may also realise it is perhaps too late to go the unorthodox route. And
if you went unothordox first and something goes wrong, then people wonder why
with all your education, you went unorthodox instead of the orthodox way! Add
to the mix a long list of quacks who will sell you anything if they think you
are desperately ill and I’m sure you’ll agree with me that as they say,
‘prevention is better than cure’. And so is learning what you can about it when
you have the time and opportunity on your hand and you can make rational
decisions. This is why I have decided to write this article today, hoping that
somehow, it will be of benefit to you my readers.
From my own
personal research of both conventional and unorthodox medicine, I have realised
that both streams of medicine agree that cancer like many diseases today is
caused by toxins in the body. We all just have to accept the fact that the
world our parents and grandparents lived in is very much different to the world
we are living in today. The threshold for how much toxin you need in your body
system and why it plays out as a particular disease (high blood pressure?
Diabetes? Cancer?) is still a big question waiting for an acceptable answer.
Please look
around you. Do you think you have regular exposures to sources of toxins? What
are these ‘toxins’ and where do they come from? I would not be able to answer
all the relevant questions you may ask in this article as it would take forever
to write. But you could also take some time out personally to do some searches
and educate yourself. There is a wealth of information online so ignorance is
no longer blissful especially when it concerns one’s health and wellbeing. Some
people already know a lot about this and many perhaps may even know more than I
do. I can only encourage you to continue to practice the healthy living tips
you may have picked up during the course of your research.
And I
hasten to add here that I am in no way trying to cast any aspersion on
conventional medicine. No not at all. I have friends and family who are medical
doctors and I have seen how they work very hard to help the sick. No, the point I am making is that, in this
day and age, there are things we can do to keep ourselves healthy and give the
medical doctors less work to do. This may
be a bit simplistic but I think all the different advices, tips and research
work done by both conventional and herbal medical practitioners on how to
maintain optimal health and keep diseases like cancer away, can be summarised
as follows:
1 Regular Exercise
– the British Medical Association and The National Health Service (NHS) in the UK recently revised its advice and
said two and a half hours of moderate exercise (works out at an average of 21
minutes daily) was recommended for an adult to keep healthy. Better still,
‘moderate exercise’ we are adviced can include things like fast walking,
gardening, cleaning and other forms of vigorous housework! I have never
been fanatic with body exercise so I
sure heaved a sigh of relief when I read the revised guidelines. Again, I
remember my grandma. She never jogged all her life! It was not fashionable in
her days. But walking was; gardening was; and doing house chores was. Perhaps
my grandma, bless her, and hopefully she doesn’t die tomorrow just to make a
point, may have something to teach many of us! You can check out the nhs
guidelines here: http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/fitness/Pages/physical-activity-guidelines-for-adults.aspx
2. Detox –
The importance of this cannot be overstated. In my opinion, I think even with
our best endeavours to be healthy, there are two major sources of toxins that
we cannot get away from -toxins from the food we eat and also toxins from the
environment we live in. What foods do you eat regularly? Do you know what
preservatives, colourings and flavours are in the foods? What about the
pesticides used in growing them? And your environment – any pollutants around?
Today on BBC Radio 4 news, there was a discussion about how diesel car
manufacturers were supplying cars to the UK (and the EU) that give off
unacceptably high toxic fumes when the weather temperature drops below 16 deg
C. Last year we were told that on average in the UK, the temperature was below this
threshold for 315 days out of 365 days. Below is a 'toxic car list' developed by the University of Denver.
How much of those toxic fumes do you
think we inhale daily? Never mind the smokers around us, genuinely nice people
who we wouldn’t want to hurt during our socials but who smoke while they are
chatting with us? Whether we appreciate it or not, there are toxic agents all
around - from chemicals that we use daily at home; toxins from waste burning;
toxins in the air freshener…there could even be toxins in that lovely perfume
you love to wear! It is difficult to get away from all these sources of
toxicity. What I have found that works is to use a good body detox regularly.
Apparently, daily detox is favoured in Asia, many parts of Africa and the Nordic countries. Not
surprisingly, these cultures have recorded some of the longest groups of living
people on earth. For
people with blood type A, if you are eating like everyone else is, and
you are not detoxifying yourself regularly, we are told you would likely
be experiencing problems like unexplained weight gain, high blood
pressure, diabetes, etc by your forties. This is just one of the many
reasons why there is need to detox.
Vitamins. Having had an aversion to taking medications from when I was very
young, it is still a surprise for me when I catch myself recommending vitamins
to people. But the truth is, we need vitamins to replenish and regularise our body
system. How much benefit we get from using certain vitamins is still debatable,
some researchers suggest we should not even bother with taking daily vitamins
but rather eat good food. They are correct. We do need good food. But when it
becomes difficult to know how good the food you are eating is and how to make
sure you get all the recommended vitamins and minerals you need daily from the
diet, taking vitamins as supplements is really the only good choice left.
In summary,
I would like to suggest to us all that we do take some few minutes out of our
daily work and grind to review our lifestyles. How healthy is it? What are you
waiting for to happen before you start making the right choices for your
health? You may not be able to change everything that would happen in your
life. But you can choose to eat healthy, eat right and live healthy.
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