Fibroid and uterine cyst dissolves away naturally. No surgery needed

 My fifty year old friend, Mrs C, recently gave me some good news which I’d like to share. She had taken my advice and a product I recommended to her and had managed to get rid of the annoying fibroid that she'd had for almost twenty (20) years! How cool is that?!

Not everyone knows what fibroids are. The ailment seems to be more common with Afro-Caribbean and Asian women. 

Brief information on fibroids and uterine cysts
According to WebMD, ‘Uterine fibroids or "fibroids" are benign tumours that form in the wall of the womb. 
They are made up of the muscle and connective tissue in the uterus. There is no known cause or risk factor for uterine fibroids. Symptoms of fibroids might include painful bleeding during menstruation, bleeding between periods or frequent urination due to a fibroid that compresses the bladder. Most doctors believe that these benign tumours do not require treatment unless they cause discomfort, fertility problems or anaemia.’ The degree to which uterine fibroids affect fertility is currently the subject of ongoing research and study.


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